Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Beauty Buy: Wet Brush

As "they" say, the grass is always greener on the other side. If you have blonde hair you want brunette hair, if you have curly hair you want straight, well i'm here to tell you I have the worst of all hair worlds. I have fine hair, but a lot of it, I have waves but not enough to look cute when it air dries, and worst of all my hair tangles like the dickens (yes I just said dickens), especially when its wet. 
Now ever since I worked at the hair salon 5 years ago - don't want to talk about it - I've had the same hair brush and never really thought about exploring new options, my theory "if it aint broke dont fix it." But this past weekend during my routine once a year hair appointment (what can I say, I'm cheap), I was introduced to a product that has changed my world (its only been 4 days but so far so good). 
Yes, it may look like an ordinary paddle brush, but my friends, it is NOT. This little guy can comb through the tangliest of wet locks and glide right through as if I had left the conditioner in my hair. I do not know its secret, all I know is that I am no longer losing chunks of hair as I try to rip through the knots. If you're like me and your hair is a hot mess after a shower, give this product a try. You will NOT regret it.

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