Monday, October 8, 2012

Pumpkin Planters

This weekend one of my best friends Shannon came to town. Every year I have made it a tradition to drag her around to various pumpkin patches looking for the perfect pumpkins for one project or another. This year I wasn't searching for anything specific but would hate to break tradition, so I took her with me to pick up a few pumpkins, knowing that I'd come up with something to do with them. 

After last weekends landscaping project we had a few leftover mums and I'm too cheap to buy a planter for flowers that I will inevitably kill so I decided to make my own planter using a few of my new pumpkins.

Step 1: Draw a circle along the top of your pumpkin which will be the opening for your flowers

Step 2: Scrape out the insides. Most people would put some newspaper down or something, but im lazy didn't have a newspaper, so I just let it get all over my counters. Oh well. (I saved the pumpkin seeds for a delicious recipe that I'll share later.)

Step 3: Rinse the goo off the pumpkin and flip over. Then either drill or hammer some holes into the bottom, this will allow for drainage when you water your flowers.

Step 4: Fill with soil and flowers

 Step 5: Rinse soil off of the sides, and place wherever you want! 


I made 2, one for my front yard and one for the bistro table in the back.
I love them, and think I can officially say my house is pimped out for Fall! 

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